About Us

Based in Taipei, Taiwan,
Rhythms Monthly is East
Asia’s leading geographic
feature magazine. Published
in Chinese, we focus on a
range of cultural, historical,
humanitarian and
environmental issues, with
an emphasis on top-notch
photography and first-hand
reportage. Our award-winning
journalists and photographers
travel throughout the world
on assignment.

Since its first publication in
August, 1998, Rhythms has
received 41 Golden Tripodawards, the highest media award in Taiwan, and two awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia in 2005 and 2006. With a combined print run and e-magazine readership of 35,000 copies per month, Rhythms has become an influential periodical, developing a solid reputation among the Chinese reading public.

Some of our larger projects include extensive series retracing the 7th century Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang’s Western pilgrimage, expedition of the new source of Yangtze River and tracing the riverhead of Mekong River. On site coverage like tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and the earthquake in Sichuan, China, Rhythms aims to provide in-depth stories with vivid pictures and non-sensational reportage for readers to have better understandings of the events.

Apart from our print edition and interactive website, Rhythms.TV, our weekly TV show, has been broadcasted worldwide by Daai Television since late 2005, helping enrich our readers’ perspectives on magazine and broaden our audience base.

Published by the Tzu Chi Foundation, the largest Chinese charity foundation with branches in nearly forty countries.

Current Issue: vol.302 (2023.09)

Archives in Chinese (since 1998.08)

Digital Magazines










Digital Magazines

-Tzu Chi Culture and Communication Foundation
7F., No. 8, Lide Rd., Beitou District,
Taipai City 112, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-28989000
Fax: 886-2-28989994
URL: https://www.rhythmsmonthly.com
E-mail: rhythms@daaitv.com

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